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Headaches are usually an extension of neck, mid & upper back dysfunction, headaches are often  described as a tight band across the forehead, a dull ache at the base of the skull or as more intense one sided headaches, similar to a migraine. Kieran Finnegan; chiropractor Sydney, will perform an appropriate examination to determine the best course of treatment, or potentially refer you to an appropriate health professional.

Treatment of headaches usually involves correcting any joint dysfunction of the neck and correcting any muscle imbalances & dysfunction specifically the muscles the support the entire length of the spinal column and the neck and shoulders. The neck and head needs to be in a more supported position reducing excessive stress been placed on the neck. Stress management, lifestyle and posture all have a role in chronic headaches.headaches. Kieran; our chiropractor Sydney, myotherapist and remedial massage therapist combines multiple therapies so you get effective headache relief.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage, or book online today.

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Sport Injuries

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Sport Injuries

In order to effectively deal with sport injuries, a thorough understanding of the bio-mechanics of a particular sport or movement is required to be able to identify what set up the injury in the first place. For example, nnee injuries are relatively common in sports, non contact knee injuries are usually a result of faulty hip, ankle and foot bio-mechanics. So having a reduced range of motion at any or all these area’s may result in knee pain. This basic principle applies to most area’s of the body, when dealing with sporting injuries and increased performance. At Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage we take a different approach to treating sporting injuries, we don’t just treat the symptoms. Kieran Finnegan; our Sydney chiropractor, myotherapist (SLM) and remedial massage therapist draws from all these effective disciplines when dealing with sports injuries.

Contact your chiropractor in Sydney CBD or Waterloo Chiropractor.

Sport Injuries
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Whiplash: Whiplash is a common neck condition, which has to  potential to lead to chronic pain and long term problems with the neck. Its usually occurs in car accidents where the head, neck & upper torso is forcefully thrown forward-backward or side-to-side, resulting in trauma to the neck. Once serious trauma is cleared the trauma to the soft tissues and joints need to be corrected to prevent pain and stiffness returning.

Chronic neck pain and whiplash requires a lot of detailed work to the muscles of spine, neck and shoulders removing any adhesion’s and scar tissue and unlocking the chronically jammed and stiff joints. Our chiropractor in Sydney CBD corrects any imbalances in the body need to ensure a lasting result. Our comprehensive and thorough approach used at Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage usually get results where other therapies have failed. Our Sydney chiropractor is proud of the fact this unique combination of therapies is not offered anywhere else in Australia.


Contact our chiropractor Syndey CBD.

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Hip Pain

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Hip Pain

At Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial massage we are experts in fixing hip pain. Pain in the hip(S) may be felt deep in the joint, or more superficially often described as a dull ache or even around the front of the hip capsule felt as more of a ‘catching’. Hip pain tends to affect more on one side compared to the other.

At Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage our treatment is very effective in treating hip pain, It involves balancing the muscles around the hip and pelvis using myotherapy (SLM) and correcting any remaining joint or pelvic alignment issues with chiropractic adjustments, and prescribing home based care. Our Sydney chiropractor is the only professional who combines these two effective treatments.

At Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial Massage you get a comprehensive one hour hands on treatment, that leaves you balanced and pain free.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage.


Hip Pain
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Like low back pain, most people who get treatment for sciatica often only get symptomatic relief. Sciatica is often felt as numbness or tingling running down into the leg, foot and toes.

At Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial Massage we don’t just treat the symptoms, Sciatica is usually a result from a disc in the lower back being placed under pressure and compressed by the superficial and deep muscles of the spine . As they tighten over time, they squeeze the discs together causing it to protrude and impinge a nerve in the low back.

At Sydney chiropractic and Remedial Massage,we correct the underlying muscle imbalances and any postural faults that inevitably compromise the discs of the low back. Our Sydney chiropractor, myotherapist (SLM) and remedial massage therapist, is one of a few who can offer such a comprehensive treatment.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage.

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Sacroilliac Pian & Dysfunction

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Sacroilliac Pian & Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint pain is a relatively common condition seen here at at Sydney Chiropractic & Massage. Sacroiliac pain is usually felt at the bottom of the lower spine, more towards the mid-line, where the pelvis meets the spine.

The approach used at Sydney Chiropractic & Massage, usually involves balancing the major postural muscles of the hips & pelvis using myotherapy (SLM), prior to effective chiropractic adjustments to the joint itself. Our chiropractor in Sydney CBD has proven results in resolving sacroiliac joint pain & dysfunction.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic & remedial massage

Sacroilliac Pian & Dysfunction
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General Muscle Tension & Stiffness

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General Muscle Tension & Stiffness

Too often this group of symptoms is  often put down to ‘just getting older’, this is rarely the case, research has shown numerous times that arthritis and other general age related disorders rarely causes symptoms. One of the main issue’s is general loss of muscle and joint flexibility and mobility usually as a result of excessive sitting, poor posture, lack of exercise, stress & even poor diets. Kieran Finnegan; chiropractor Sydney, myotherapist (SLM) & remedial massage therapist has had great success in treating these issues. We restore your muscles and joints to a more balanced, healthy and supple condition with our unique approach, our Sydney chiropractor will also educate you on how to take care of your self so this doesn’t become a chronic problem.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage, or book online to see our chiropractor in Sydney CBD today.

General Muscle Tension & Stiffness
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Upper Back Pain & Stiffness

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Upper Back Pain & Stiffness

This problem is very common after a long and busy day sitting at the computer, Our unique approach used at Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial Massage is ideal for this type of complaint.

The problem is usually felt as a pain between the shoulder blades, a dull ache right across the shoulders, or more so one side. It may also be felt as a stabbing, sharp or burning pain once it has deteriorated past a certain point. This problem is usually involves the joints of the mid and upper back,which become stiff and painful, and the muscles that support the shoulder, upper back and the entire length of the spine become tight and fatigue very easily while sitting at a desk. The muscle’s in the front of the body maybe tight causing you to slouch forward and tightening the muscles of the back.  Kieran Finnegan; chiropractor Sydney incorporates a comprehensive & effective muscle balancing therapy (SLM) & chiropractic to properly deal with upper back pain & stiffness.

Our Sydney chiropractor is only one of a few who also has expertise in treating chronically tight, tense and dysfunctional muscles and joints of the spine and pelvis.


Contact our chiropractor in Sydney CBD for more information, or book online for effective relief today.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage.

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Shoulder Pain

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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain may be felt deep inside the joint, a pulling in the front of the shoulder or more around the back, it may have a catching sensation as you move the joint. People often describe it hurts when they lay on that side, or find getting dressed quite difficult. This problem is usually a result of the shoulder joint and the muscles that support the shoulder altering its normal range of motion and putting pressure on the structures within the joint. Being generally tight in the arm and chest, can and also cause tension in the shoulder causing pain and decreased flexibility, also being generally weak in the area itself may be contributing to your shoulder pain. Kieran Finnegan; Sydney chiropractor, myotherapist & remedial massage therapist uses an extensive & holistic musculoskeletal treatment to adequately treat shoulder pain.


Contact Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage, or book online to see our chiropractor in Sydney CBD today.

Shoulder Pain
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Neck Pain & Stiffness

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Neck Pain & Stiffness

Neck pain, stiffness & headaches are commonly seen at Sydney Chiropractic & Massage. Kieran Finnegan; your Sydney CBD & Waterloo chiropractor & myotherapist combines a comprehensive & deep hands on muscle balancing therapy with chiropractic.

Although the main pain producing culprits are the muscles in the neck, shoulder and the joints of the upper neck there are several key area’s that also need to be addressed when trying to fix neck pain & headaches.

The first area are the muscles called the erector spinae, which; as the name suggests are responsible for supporting your spine and keeping it upright. These muscles run on either side of your spine & start at the pelvis and connect to the base of the skull with connections to the forehead. As these muscle get tight along there full length they pull into the neck & shoulders causing a heaviness/tension in the shoulders and potentially a tension headache. When one side gets tight relative to the other it will pull the shoulder & upper back down on that side causing uneven shoulders which tends to cause pain & headaches on one side, usually the low shoulder side as the muscles in the shoulder are chronically tense trying to counteract the pull on that side, thats why its important not to only focus on the symptomatic area as it usually compensating for tightness and dysfunction elsewhere.

Two other very important  area’s include the muscle’s in-front of the neck which pull the verterbra/neck forward which causes the muscles on the back of the neck to tighten, this may also compress the discs and joints of the neck. Another area which is probably the most overlooked is the arms, the arms are out in-front of you all day when typing and accumulate an enormous amount off bunching and shortness in the soft tissues which then anchors tightness in the upper back. When treating someone with neck pain they are always amazed just how tight and sensitive they are in the arms & how much of a difference it makes to the upper body when they have been released properly.

My approach is unique & I don’t believe in short treatments that just focus’s on the site of pain. If you feel like you would benefit from the combination of chiropractic & myotherapy you can book online or contact your Sydney CBD & Waterloo chiropractor for more information  

Neck Pain & Stiffness
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